New photos up!
Last Sunday with Florella, Nana.
scroll down. (:
i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
anybody encounter problems with it?
i can't seem to post my replies. ):
soooo, i'll reply here!
Rac: Suuuuuure. (:
Chuanmei: Heh, it'll be so fun loh.
Girl: i find that it's okay, so so.
but better used as intensive mask thou.
i used that everyday as mask
for one whole mth and
my complexion got better &makeup stays on longer.
As mention on my last post,
i dyed my hair Jet Blaaaaaaaack!
like, really really blaaaaack.
heh. & i got a haircut @monsoon yesterday.
Had dinner @Tao's restaurant with leon last night.
Mmmm. Mmmm. Yummy!
Teapot Fishsoup, Huai San, Stir fried Mushroom,
Grilled Snappel in Terriyaki Sauce, Creme Brulee.
ahhhhhh, Temptation's in my heart!
I bought a red/hearts tube dress from Forever21 tday!
I'm so haaaaappy. =D
went out with Rafe after church.
bought a Father's day gift for my dad.
We had Chippy's Mash potato/Cheese sausage.
My faaaaavourite!
went t watch "Men in White."
it's not very very good, no story line.
just funny, funny, funny scenes all th way.
not THAT funny either thou. :x
Okay, i'm so contradicting myseeeelf!
&we had subwaaaaaaay in the movies.
my favourite Meatball Marirna
&Oatmeal/Raisins Coooookie!

i'm just helping YQ t advertise this!
Tickets for Attica.
TwentyFirst June.
Contact YuanQing @92251925!

i had fuuuuuuun!

i'm like, th faaaairest!
seeeee, don't work at escape
if you don't wanna get yourself tanned
till then, byebye! ♥
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